How Palos Verdes School District Keeps Students Safe During Emergencies (Page 2)

In Los Angeles, the following procedures are given to notify the staff and students of emergency situations. The initial notifying signal and all clear are both given by the school bell/public announcement system.  

School Bell System


Signal: Bell for 10 seconds; pause for 5 seconds; bell for 10 seconds – repeat bell sequence.

Drill Procedures: Students will evacuate to designated areas in a quiet, safe, and expeditious manner; teachers will take their attendance cards or roll books, account for all students and report any inconsistencies to the Incident Commander; students and teachers will wait in their designated areas for instructions.

All Clear: One long (10 seconds) bell or oral notification by staff that drill is over.



Signal: One long continuous bell, PA announcement, phone call, messenger, or e-mail.

Inside Classroom: Bring any students inside, Close and lock all doors and windows, close blinds, turn off lights, move students away from windows, and remain in the classroom until emergency is over. Take roll and report missing students.

Outside Of The Classroom: Proceed to the closest room and remain inside until the all-clear signal.

All Clear: One long (10 seconds) bell or oral notification by staff that drill is over.



Signal: One long continuous bell, PA announcement, phone call, messenger, or e-mail.

Inside Classroom: Bring any students inside, close and lock all doors and windows, turn off HVAC system, cover vents to the outside and cracks by doors and windows, close blinds, and remain in the classroom until emergency is over. Take roll and report missing students.

Outside of the Classroom: Proceed to the closest room and remain inside until the all-clear signal.

All Clear: One long (10 seconds) bell or oral notification by staff that drill is over.



Signal: Alternating long and short bells; command of DROP given by teacher or staff member

Inside Classroom: Upon command of “Drop/Take Cover,” drop to knees with back to window, place head in lap and clasp hands behind the neck; wait quietly for instructions.

On School Grounds, Outside Buildings: Seek any type of protection; drop to the ground with back to hazard and clasp hands behind the neck; remain in this position for a brief period, then seek, if necessary, protective cover.

On The Way To Or From School: Seek any type of protection (curb, bench, ditch, gutter, etc.); drop to the ground with back to hazard and clasp hands behind the neck; remain in this position for a brief period, and then seek, if necessary, protective cover; go to the nearest available place of shelter and remain there quietly until instructed to leave by a recognized authority.

All Clear: One long (10 seconds) bell or oral notification by staff that drill is over.


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