Uninterrupted COVID Testing With Power Conditioning Battery Backup UPS
Successful COVID-19 testing requires a clean constant supply of electricity to power the lab instruments that conduct sample analysis. If power is lost during a sample run, it could mean that the sample is lost and another patient sample would need to be acquired which could take days and lead to additional infections.
When laboratories use high volume instruments to process samples, a brief power outage or voltage fluctuation may mean upward of 1,000 samples are lost or not processed correctly. Operating these testing instruments without power protection and backup in place is exceedingly risky to both the testing lab and to public health.
For example, LADWP (Los Angeles Department Of Water & Power) recorded 5,436 power outages in 2018 vs 3,985 in 2008. The number of electrical disruptions per year has almost doubled over the last 10 years. This makes it increasingly likely that a power outage will occur during and disrupt COVID testing which runs 24/7 in some labs.
Some labs have mitigated against power outages, voltage fluctuations, grounding issues, and electrical surges by installing laboratory power conditioning battery backup UPS (uninterrupted power supply) systems manufactured by Battery Backup Power, Inc. in Costa Mesa, California.
Lab Manager Magazine recently released an article about Battery Backup Power, Inc. and how the systems it manufactures protects all types of laboratory instruments. The article can be downloaded here. The Battery Backup Power, Inc. product catalog can be downloaded here.
Laboratories are able to contact Battery Backup Power, Inc product support staff to get assistance selecting the correct plug and play all in one lab power protection system for their instruments by phone at (855) 330-7799, by email at engineering@batterybackuppower.com, or by chat (bottom right corner of screen).